
Jodi schiller



Flying Spaghetti Monster Daily Morning Devotion: All hail the great noodly meatballs and pasta! A devotion to calling out insanity wherever it lurks.

Jodi schiller
@FSMDevotee · 2:38
The lost parable of Jesus eating pasta at a little divey Italian joint by the sea of Galilee and confronting my god, fsm.

#jesuseatingpasta #fsmmorningdevotion #pastafarianismisyummier #realexacttotallytrustworthyproof

Jodi schiller
@FSMDevotee · 3:13
Jodi schiller
@FSMDevotee · 0:10
20 things I'm not afraid of because I'm a woman 👠♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️💃

#20thingsimnotscaredofbecauseimawoman #fsmmorningdevotion #mindkiller #littledeath #bigdeath

Jodi schiller
@FSMDevotee · 0:10
My great god, the flying Spaghetti Monster, gave all humanity the challenge of making "normal" good

#makingnormalgood #thegoodestbookever #imgoingtogetyoumfs #fsmmorningdevotion

Jodi schiller
@FSMDevotee · 0:10
My god created a book he called "the goodest book ever" but the secret title is "I'm going to get you MFS"

#fsmmorningdevotion #flyingspaghettimonster #thegoodestbookever #imgoingtogetyoumfs

Jodi schiller
@FSMDevotee · 2:25
Holy, holy, holy to me (Kadosh) What is holy to you?

#whatisholy #whatisholytoyou?

Jodi schiller
@FSMDevotee · 1:38
I cry all the time in my exile from your great holy plate

#flyingspaghettimonster #fsm #inexile #wantingtogohome #missmymom #moredevotees

Jodi schiller
@FSMDevotee · 3:42
Jodi schiller
@FSMDevotee · 5:00
The Flying Spaghetti Monster thought that Barbie was an OK movie.

#barbie #barbiemovie #biblethumping #flockofgeese #flyingspaghettimonster #divinelove #yummysauce #pastafarianism

Jodi schiller
@FSMDevotee · 2:47
Jodi schiller
@FSMDevotee · 2:29
I bow to the glory of your large, awesome, delicious pork and beef meatballs

#flyingspaghettimonster #pastafarian #meatballs #feminism #insanity

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