Michelle Smith
@chelle3290 · 2:13


Do you agree with that statement that I'm begging God for more children and that the reason it hasn't happened for us in 16 years is because I'm begging God, and God doesn't like people to beg or to ask Him for things. I don't agree with it. I think that I'm not begging and that God wants to hear what I have to ask Him and say to him. And I think that he has something in store for us

Introducing myself and asking a question

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:32


Hey, Michelle, I just want to hop on here, welcome you to Swell. And I really regard your question as very personal and very sacred. And I feel so clear that when you have your own own personal, interior conversations with whatever your higher power is, it's so your business
Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 1:08
No matter what we ask for, how we ask, whether we ask too much or not enough, god loves us. And God will listen. So, no, I don't think you're begging. And I don't think it's anyone in this business how you pray. Your relationship with God is between you and God. So I wish you all the best. And I don't know if prayer works, but I do believe in the power of prayer as a spiritual practice
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Lance Watson
@lwatsonjr · 4:01

@chelle3290: Have faith…

And I would say hold on to your conviction that Smith is the evidence of things unseen substance of things hoped for. And so obviously and purely as you stated through your sharing your conviction to continue to be a wonderful mother and a caretaker and contributing to society, to community through education which I certainly know how to pray. And so I will pray for you as you continue to strive towards your goal ultimately of running, owning, operating a child development center
Michelle Smith
@chelle3290 · 1:32


But with the help of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, he helped us to deal with our issues, deal with our losses, and have our daughter Desiree, who is 21 years old, and yes, she's been trying for 16 years for another one. And I realized, yes, age is a factor, but with Jesus, anything is possible