
6 Ways I’m Embracing My Authentic Soul

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My advice is to rock that hairstyle you've always wanted, take those Spanish lessons, and attend that festival, whatever it is. When you are showing up as your authentic soul, it's always worth it. Next, new layers of your authentic soul will continue to unfold. So meet them with curiosity and grace as they begin to transform your life. Next. Like yourself first. This one has been the most challenging for me

I’ve evolved a lot over the last few years. I decided to commit to myself and it changed my life! #RebelWellness

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:24


Coming from New York and moving to the West Coast for me many years ago shifted me from black to colors. But I'm still I wear a lot of dark colors, but every once in a while, I'll pop on something that's so bright and fun and loose and flowing, and I'll go, wow, this feels really good. This does work for me. It walks into the room ahead of me and it creates the space I want to walk into


Yes, definitely. Clothes can shift and they can shape us. And that's definitely something that I have really found drawn to, is typically, I shared, I was wearing yoga pants, very tight yoga pants and tighter long sleeve tops to teach in. Mostly that's what I was the most comfortable in. So shifting that and feeling my body in longer dresses, like, they're a little bit below the knee, but you can wear leggings underneath them