Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:51

Labels - How to Not Let Them Stick

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Because you have money doesn't make you a better person. No, it just means you have more money. Okay. Sexual orientation. So many social labels, right? And it's called cognitive distortion when we generalize a characteristic of a person and apply that to the whole person. Because you're more than what label somebody could label you as. Just because you failed a test in school doesn't mean you're a failure, right?

#Labels #MHNmaven

Eric Owens
@EricG · 1:29


I think it's just one of those growth things that we all have to learn to not do and appreciate the characteristics and appreciate the contributions from others without labeling them. I think that's what matters more than anything. We just need. Unlike human history up to this point, I think it's about time we started learning to love each other instead of hating each other. I'm not perfect, don't want to have no desire to be
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:54


And I know not everybody sees it that way, but I'm totally willing to help somebody, my fellow man, woman or child or dog or animal that stray. I mean, people need each other. We need each other. I need everybody. And like I've said before, we're all the same. We're just different in our details. And what makes each one of us unique in our details is needed in this world. Because there's not another one of us in the world
Andrea Potvin
@GoodEnough · 2:31
It was stupid. But those little things, they play a part in your development, especially when you're in kindergarten. In turn, my mind to this topic went to when you label yourself, when you're kind to others and you give grace to others, but you do not give it to yourself. Like, self talk could be self labeling. I had the experience of probably put on me pre verbal, but you're too sensitive. You've always been sensitive
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 3:30


So thank you for saying that 100%. Labeling ourselves is the biggest problem. And it's interesting because you brought up the topic of this was what was happening to me in my childhood and now I'm doing it to myself. So there is a correlation to that. There have been studies done that when you have been brought up, because we're talking about nurturing, we're talking about growing and developmental stunting because of these things
Eric Owens
@EricG · 0:59


Andrea. Hi. Eric here. Welcome to the Swell platform. Thanks for joining one of, if not the best micro podcasting platform on the Internet. And no, I do not work for them. That's not why I'm saying that. I'm saying that because I'm an It guy and I've seen many of them, but not like this one. Anyway, welcome to the platform. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and insights
Laura Monk
@ThriveLauraMonk · 3:18
You. Thank you for this podcast. It was very interesting and insightful. And I agree that labeling is not healthy for society, and it's not healthy for our own well being. And I think a reason why a lot of people label is because they get this quick shot of dopamine. Every time we label someone, we immediately feel superior, and our ego loves to feel superior and better than and so we get this quick dopamine rush inside of our brain. It's almost like an addiction
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 2:38


I'm probably going for my master's this year in a couple of months, waiting for my son to get out of school so he can have a little downtime first. But thank you so much. I love the Buddhist I don't know what you call it way, if you will, of not accepting something somebody gives to you, such as a labels. That is fantastic. I have not heard that before. So I love that takeaway from that