Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 2:52

Bands That You Personally Can’t Stand.

The first one I want to begin with, a friend of mine who's a huge fan of this band submits that they are America's band. They are American rock and roll in its biggest form. And I don't know that. I can argue that point. I don't know that there's a band from America that ever made a bigger impact in the way that this band has. I just know that they drive me crazy. That harmonizing is like grading on me

Musical taste

Brian Akana
@DeaconYormouth · 0:34
Hey, what's up, buddy? I'm glad. I mean, as soon as I heard that first riff, I just completely burst into laughter because that's exactly the same group. Aside from the little One to be Dead like Fish. Definitely just make me cringe anytime anybody even mentions how great they are. I'm also not a big fan of Rush or Aerosmith. Really, I. But. Yeah, I thought I had to chime in there real quick. Yeah
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 0:44


Yeah, dude, it's funny you mentioned Fish. I don't know if you watched Dave The Little Dickie Show on Hulu, but great show. But there's one scene he hangs out with his cat, Gator, who's also a rapper, and Andrew Santino. I don't know if you ever saw him red haired dude, Gaeta and him start hanging out. And he's trying to introduce Gaeta to stuff that he digs. And he puts on Fish on his home theater set up
Brian Akana
@DeaconYormouth · 0:34
Yeah. I think it's the whole jamban thing that really turns me off to them. And I don't think Jerry Garcia had that great of a voice either. Not at all, really. But then again, you think about it. And I mean, you can sit there or all day and listen to like, Earth, Winter Fire Jam all day, or maybe even Santana or War. But then you get into this clearly it was just a drug. I don't know
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 0:55
So she was like, oh, this is great. But I was like, don't you hear his voice, though? You don't hear that. It was always a week on the back end or something like, he would come in, and then it would fade out, like, weekly in the back end. And that kind of made me crazy, too. And yeah, you know, the drug thing. You know, the old joke
Allie Mac
@AMac · 0:25

Shitbird Joe

Shitbird. Music. Come on now, Joe. Grateful dad. They're a Happygolucky band. You can't go wrong with them dancing, drinking, drugs, just having a good time. They bring back a lot of memories for me. But I guess they have a great following. Kind of like a cult following. And you can't deny that they're awesome
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 0:25
Unfortunately, there's not angry Face emoji to put on your your post there, Alison. So we'll do it this way. Grateful Dead. You can't go wrong with them. They're awesome. Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry, that's the incorrect answer, but we thank you for playing and have some wonderful parting gifts for you. I like that. Like self high five right now, bro
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 1:45
Okay. First, I have a confession to make. Bless me swell for I have sinned. Well, I'm about to sin. I'm going to see a Death Leopard tribute band tomorrow night outdoors, you know, not because I'm a big Death Led Leopard fan. I don't mind deaf Leopard, but we know one guy in the van. But more importantly, every time I see this van, it makes me so happy
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:52
It's the experimental side of their songwriting. But man, I don't know how anybody could listen to Hemispheres and not enjoy that band, just like mind blowing to me personally, but again, to each his own. As for me, it's not that I can't stand them, but I'm just really annoyed by them. And you're going to boo and Hiss, probably a bunch, but The Beatles, I found them to be tremendously overhyped
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 0:48
But other than that totally overhyped. And now he loves his breakfast with the Beatles on the radio. So he'll come back at some point and tell us how we both suck, but we're right. He's wrong. You know, he also likes a Grateful Dead. So there's that
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 0:23
Someone's knocking on the door. Somebody's ringing the Bell. Someone is knocking on the door. Somebody's ringing the Bell. Do me a favor. Open the door. Work and let them in. Yes, that's a master work right there, fella. That's a masterwork
Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:47
I tend to like the later Beatles stuff more, man. So like, like you said, the White album, Abbey Road. Let It Be. Those are my favorite Beatles albums. They were a little bit more experimental. Rubber Soul just doesn't really do it for me, man. As many times as I've listened to it, that sort of
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 0:07
Don't you mean you're a live and let die kind of guy self high five
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:41
Hilarious that you brought up Oasis. So I'm gonna tell a quick story here. I have a buddy who moved to the US from England a couple of years ago, and one night we went out with some friends, and he really, you know, wanted to learn more about American culture, soldier, since he had moved out here. So he asked, what are your favorite musicians?
Shahnaz Ahmed
@bookishpodcast · 2:16


And if they were that great, I would have been like, I want to hear every song of this group, but I'm like, okay, whatever. Yeah, those are my thoughts. I'm trying to think Arrow Smith. Yeah. Smith's. All right. Okay, fine. Whatever. I'm not into rap or anything. I know you mentioned bands. I wonder if singers count. There's this one singer. What's her name? I can't remember her name
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 2:58


The stream deck taps into the computer, which taps into the roadcast or so all that kind of stuff. But I know you can just do it right from the Elgato Stream Deck. So for, like, $129, and then I have the Adobe Creative Suite, so I use audition, like I'll edit the clips ahead of time. Just throw them right on to the stream deck
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 0:08


And here? S a link to the Roadcaster pro what it does with the latest firmware upgrade
Sudha Varadarajan
@sudha · 0:54
And that is Nirvana and smells like Teen Spirit. I don't know. I just don't get Nirvana. I just think it is just noise. I am sure this is absolute heresy, but I have to just say it
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 0:47
Well, Sudha, it is technically considered heresy to trash Nirvana, but you've luckily come to the right place because I am not a fan. So. So we're good. I don't know about the rest of the people in this thread, but with me, I feel they're so overrated now. It smells like teen spirit at the time when the radio was just filled with Phil Collins and Gloria Stefan and stuff like that
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:28

Phil or Die

Average Joe, I have a question for you. Are you implying that you are not a Phil column stand? Because if that's true, this may be the end of our small friendship
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:34

@CaliGooner 🧐

Today. Oh, s***. I thought it was about to come in. This intro is pretty long, actually. Okay. Okay. It's happening. Today is gonna be the day by now. You should have somehow realized what they got to do. I don't believe in anybody feels the way I do about you. Now, how do you not love this? How do you not love this? Taylor
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:36

Bye Bye Bye

Okay, now that I've sufficiently annoyed everyone, I have something to say. If you like the Backstreet boys, you've lost your way. I don't know. Happen to you to make you this way. But I don't want it this way. No, I don't want it this way. I need it to stop. Actually, I need it to go a very different way. Like the instinct. Bye
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:46

TOOL is an apt name

I have one more thing to add, and I don't want to throw too much of a curveball in here. But first of all, if someone here likes the band Tool, I need you to explain it to me. Me, because it makes me want to throw things, but not in a fun way more just like in a wide way. And also to my experience with Tools Fans has been nothing but just like pure Negativity man, not a good time. So please explain
Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:06

@rachel this is war

Alright, Rachel, here is where I am going to not be your friend anymore. Unfortunately, no, I'm just kidding. I'll be your friend. But Tulle Tool is one of the greatest bands of all time for a number of reasons. And I'll tell you why you actually played one of my favorite songs by them at the time when Tool came out, they were the cutting edge of what you would call prog metal. In all honesty, they were one of the founders of it
Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:05


Here is one of my absolute favorite Tool songs. I hope you enjoy it
Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:04


And I'm just going to link their most famous song here because it's awesome
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:11

emo for nerds? 🧐 @CaliGooner

So after I heard you, I meditated for a moment, and then I played both songs back to back. I hope you realize that's, like, 15 minutes or more in my life that I committed to being open to what you had to say about Tooltailor. And here's what I think. Would it be a fair thing to say? Say that Tool is like email. But for Nerds, is that a fair question
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:12

@CaliGooner Incubus 🥰

Also, Taylor, I just don't understand. Why would you choose to listen to Tool? Then you could listen to Incubus
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:47

Still crying!! https://youtu.be/FyYMzEplnfU @CaliGooner

And the night my buddy Valentine was playing, I was so excited, I almost was crying, just like tears of pure equipment because they hadn't played in I don't know how many years, like a really long time and Tool was going to be playing after them. And you know what the Tool fans did, Taylor? You know what they did the entire time? My Bloody Valentine, one of the best bands of all time played was Boo and act like Tools
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:22

Sunny Day Real Estate https://youtu.be/Q989I1sIwC4 @CaliGooner

So since you also shared two songs, I'm going to share one more song. And my question for you is also why would you want to listen to Tool when you can listen to classic email like Sunny Day Real Estate, you're welcome. If this is the first time this is being introduced into your life
Seemab Zaheera
@SeemabZ · 3:04
So for me, Beatles is noise because I just think they're boring. I don't mind Arrowsmith. I think maybe I listen to like one or two, probably all the worst ones that you guys mentioned. I don't know who is. I think I listened to like a couple of them because my parents were listening to them, but yeah, I listen to crap mostly. So I'm from India, and we have this thing called item numbers in movies
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 3:10
I know some, like, for instance, the last album that just came out, I dared say I didn't like it. And boy was I asking for it, apparently, and I didn't like it. I still don't like it. I thought it was boring. And guys I know personally, friends started telling me how I suck and that my taste in music is s*** and all that kind of stuff, which maybe it is. I don't know
phil spade
@Phil · 1:17

Buffet and KISS

And I've seen them from the 70s on just the marketing, the Dolls, all the paraphernalia you can buy with Kiss on it is unbelievable. But I've just never understood how popular they actually are and were
phil spade
@Phil · 1:29

Today's Country Music

And I guess the people that I like, the artists that I like are all kind of outlaws, both male and female, that have lived life at 120 miles an hour. And then they sing about the wreckage of living your life at 120 miles an hour. So I really appreciated that. And today's country music just seems not at all like that. It seems more driven by the money and just the lyrics. And the music just seemed lazy, really lazy
Taylor J
@Taylor · 4:25

@rachel @AverageJoe

Okay. So a couple of responses here. Rachel, let's start with your Tool comment or rather, let's start with the songs you linked, which I really enjoyed. My Bloody Valentine's, a great band. And and I'm really sorry about your experience seeing them with those Tool fans. I would have to agree with what average Joe has said. A lot of Tool fans are just jerks. I don't think it's because they like Tool
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 4:08
Yeah, these country guys and kiss. Although Paisley is a really great guitar player and stuff, there are some guys, but I think I've rambled on way too long to just agree, but I do agree
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 0:33


Hey, Taylor, I'm going to assume you've seen this, but in case you haven't, I'm going to link during the lockdown. And everybody was doing these collaboration videos. The two minutes to late Night channel on YouTube. Youtube had Claudio, Les Claypool, Danny Carey. They all joined together to do a Rush track anthem. And it's pretty g****** cool
Taylor J
@Taylor · 3:17


It was all dance music, all hip hop, raid your face off until the sun comes up sort of thing. And that bothers me. You probably know this very well when you listen to Prague metal, it sort of spoils a lot of other genres for you. It really does because the intricacies are just not there. It's like going from listening to jazz to listening to country music. I'm not trying to knock country music, but I'm saying one is way more interesting than the other
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 3:52


But I think that thing, like, when you play an instrument to some degree or another, it allows you to understand when you hear something phenomenal. Whereas if you are just a casual music listener, you're listening for an entirely different reason. And it always sounds terrible. It sounds like you're trying to say that someone is stupid and you're not trying to say that they're stupid. You're listening for a different reason
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 3:10

@CaliGooner Peace negotiations shall begin

And actually once I started playing and realized how easy some of the chords and progressions were for certain songs that I liked, I was like, Why haven't I been writing songs earlier? Why haven't me and my friends already started a band now that I see how easy it is for some of these slabs to just throw a band together and play shows? Yeah, obviously I feel a certain amount of offer some other bands that are doing some more complex things
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 2:22

Phil forever https://www.thisamericanlife.org/339/break-up @AverageJoe

One of my earliest memories of being in the car and listening to the radio was I had a thing for Phil early on, and since he was always on the radio in the late 80s and early, even to mid 90s, I think anytime he'd come on the radio, my mom would say, who is it? And I would be like, Phil Collins
Average Joe
@AverageJoe · 0:53
So maybe it's some kind of weird, like, now I'm free from those constraints, and now I can be like, oh, yeah. It's a goofy little song. It's kind of funny. That's how I think of Phil. It's a goofy. I was just trying to twist a knife there at the end, but, yeah, I get that. It makes sense
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 0:41
This is a very good topic. Now for me, the band that just 100% got under my skin was busy new kids on the block. Oh, my God. And everybody was so in love with them. But I just could never understand why I do not get it. So please, if there's anything, any of those type of fans out there, please let me know what it is that you loved about them. Because I don't know, I don't get it
@RCGooner2002 · 0:25
My friend is going to kill me for this, but he played in a Frank Zappa cover band and I listened to it on occasion because of him. But I got to say it's really horrible music, but it has a cold following. They're like people from around the world will go out of their way and see my friend perform. But the music for me is Stray garbage