maria antunez
@writerteach7 · 1:52

#TellYourStory | One thing that always fills me with wonder...

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I have always been amazed at the ability that humans have of creating art, whether it's written through writing or through painting or through architecture. It just never ceases to amaze me. I wonder, and I promote it. It actually happens a lot here in our nation, in underprivileged communities. It's pretty awesome to see something that makes me wonder and makes me want to promote creativity. Creativity is really the soul of a community, the soul of a nation. So that's what comes to mind

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb27 @dbpardes

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:57


Maria what a beautiful reminder. Creativity is the soul of a nation, and the ability for us to sit and wonder about how it breaks through everything. It breaks through poverty and differences, in a way, because it just builds bridges. When someone is able to take something and make beauty from something that seems like nothing, and then they create this experience, not just for themselves as creators, but then people around them. And it's the resilience of people, and it's the joy
Belle 🍕
@ReySkywalker · 0:24
You. I think that's really beautiful, and I kind of feel the same way. When I think about art, I really am put in wonder about how it's made and, you know, how humans are able to express themselves creatively through music and artwork. It's really quite amazing. It
Creative Reader
@MoonPoet · 1:01


Hello, this is Stephen. And I appreciated your post. I wanted to mention briefly that I like how you chose to. Excuse me. How you chose to go inward. When most of us think about something that fills us with wonder, I think the automatic responses like phenomena, that's beautiful nature, trees, animals, the moon, the stars. But it's impressive that you thought about creativity because that really is an amazing thing to wonder about