D. Meatrie
@wickedgypsybird · 4:56

Gypsy Chronicles | Swell & The "Sabbatical"

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article image placeholderUploaded by @wickedgypsybird
article image placeholderUploaded by @wickedgypsybird
I will say that it is at the end of a seven year journey for me. I became a full blown business owner in 2018, and there was a little time before there where I was kind of feeling a little off center in the industry that I am, which is the culinary industry. I had been in the culinary field for about ten years at that time. I had worked in multiple cities, in multiple types of venues

Consinder this a rainy 🌧️ day bonus…. #cheflife #takeabreak #selfcare

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:21


I think for me, I find out more about myself through conversation. And sometimes I bump into truths that I didn't even know I had until I spoke them with somebody else. So I'm really moved that you found swell in this sabbatical with quotations. And isn't it interesting to think about life as a sabbatical in its entirety?