Tam Tran
@WellnessCoach · 0:38

How do you manage stress?

Hello everyone. This is my first Swallow post. I wanted to open up the space for others to share how they manage stress and also to learn from others around just the how do they navigate this topic? Because as someone who is a huge advocate of mental health and prioritizing self care, everyone has different ways to manage stress and I just wanted to see how others do it and share my tips as well. I'll keep the space open

Creating a safe space to share and learn from others how to manage their stress and prioritize their mental health

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:05


Hey Tam, so great to hear your voice here. I just heard you say hi in the Wellness Channel. I want you to hop on and thank you for this question. And it's interesting how we all frame it differently depending upon who we're asking and who we're with in the context. Because stress is now such a big red flag for even the health providers. They're trying to make sure that we understand the correlation between stress and physical disease
Zara Lisbon
@ZLisbon · 4:47
That's why I'm talking about hypersensitivity, is because stress is a negative reaction to stimuli and I think we could have a positive reaction to the same stimuli. So I'm really glad you brought this up because as of yesterday, I'm trying to figure out how to do this as naturally as possible. I'm on my antidepressants, but I don't want to be on them for the whole rest of my life and I want to have joy and be able to cope with stress
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 3:11
I use probably the more negative emotions or the less welcomed emotions I could say, as indication that something is not in alignment. And so I guess it's kind of like what Deb said. It's the awareness of the emotions that I do not wish to feel become my signal to shift. And usually the most successful immediate way for me to begin shifting out of the high pressure situation is to just breathe the moment I feel really high intensity