
Lesson 1 Practice | My name is Mathesh

article image placeholderLesson 1 | Acknowledge Your Courage
Hello. My name is Matesh. In short, full name is Matesh Varan. So it's a typical south indian tamil name. And I was named after goddess God, Lord Shiva. He has so many names and one of which is Mateshwaran. So there is a temple in Tamil Nadu. So we. I actually named after the temple or the mountain. And yeah, that's about my name. And people just call me Mateshafi. People trying to pronounce it correctly or they are unable to

#PubSpeak101Lesson1 #PubSpeak101 #pubsp101L1p1 @dbpardes https://s.swell.life/SUBlUnNmL8Y2yrn #publicspeaking

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:17


Mateshwaran. What a beautiful name. And to be named after Shiva. What a beautiful legacy. I'm wondering the connection between your name and Shiva because obviously it's not in the actual name. Although maybe I'm not hearing it right. But it's great to hear your voice. Welcome to swell