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You. Welcome to weekly reflections. This is your opportunity to pause at the end of the week, reflecting on the past week, noticing any parts of your week that you can celebrate. These celebrations can be tiny all the way to ginormous celebrations in your life. Make sure that you join the conversation by clicking the reply button to share two to three celebrations from the past week with us below. I'll share mine in a separate swell too. Wishing you a fantastic rest of your weekend

Click the "REPLY" button to share 2-3 Celebrations below! I'll share mine in a separate swell!


My Weekly Reflections

So I was very excited about that. I got to connect with some other people I haven't connected with in a long time within that group. So that was a lot of fun. Last but not least, I turned 38 on Sunday, February the fourth, and it was a very stormy day. On that Sunday, we had a lot of rain in the Bay Area and it was just constant, so we decided to just stay home
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Faith Feuer
@Happytraingirl1 · 2:41
And I've been kind of upset by a few things that happened this week. So I've really been trying to tell myself, well, you had lunch with your friend, you had really great sessions with your clients, you were able to do your volunteer work, and that made me feel great. So I've really just been trying to dwell on those experiences and let those permeate me and act as my strength to kind of counteract the negative


So I'm so grateful that you are experiencing this and I hope that you continue to find happiness along this journey. I love hearing your voice on these swells and hearing your voice on Instagram. I follow you on both of those and I really appreciate your time and jumping on here and participating in my weekly reflections. It's simple it's easy, and I feel like it's applicable and accessible to everyone. Faith, I hope you have a fantastic weekend