Tremaine Hinds
@tremaine · 4:03

music recommendations!

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Hey, everyone, welcome back to my Swell. I am outside today. I'm sitting on the grass. It might be a little windy, so I hope the phone doesn't pick up the wind. But it's really nice outside today. And I'm sitting with my laptop and I have my spotify open and I thought, what better time to talk about music? Now, like many people, I am in love with music. I can't live without music

#music https://s.swell.life/STAHIyTTySlreIG

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:54

@tremaine https://s.swell.life/STAHZiizkd4RRoo

And she's also the kind of performer that does everything. So when she does her concert, she's, like, playing every instrument and doing loops. Her actual concerts now are featuring more artists with her, musicians with her, but her albums are all made by herself. But instead of sharing with you tosh on Spotify, I'm going to share with you Tashawna Radio, because that's been my jam the last, I don't know, a month and a half, two months
article image placeholderTash Sultana Radio
Mtwadamela Ijogo
@Mtwadamela · 2:07


I'm really caught up with his music right now. I love everything that he says. I love what he raps about. I love how he delivers his rap. I love the format that he puts his rap in. It's just boom bat. That's all it is. It's the original formula of hiphop, the formula that's kind of been lost in today's music scene. But if anybody has any recommendations out there, I'm open to any suggestions on some new music