Momma Stac
@StacSmith · 4:51

Hiding In Plain Sight!

First, I would like to introduce myself. My name is STAC. I am now 52 years old. However, the reason I'm starting this podcast is is due to things that I have read or seen on television about teenage pregnancy that goes hidden or not. Even teenagers, even adults. People always ask, how did no one know that she was pregnancy? How could she hide it? How did her family not know her partner, her loved ones?

Hidden Pregnancy

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:20


In hindsight, it's painful because you want that adult perspective to kind of wash over the young woman that you were. It's just amazing to me that we're living in a time when we can't freely have these conversations because in certain states it's dangerous. So I value your courage here. I value this platform to be able to hold space for this and please continue telling us the story. And I have no direct questions for you
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 0:33
Hi, STAC. Welcome to swell. Yes, I remember this topic very well growing up and thank you so much for bringing attention to this topic that somehow has fallen by the wayside. So I appreciate you and just speaking out on this issue and look forward to many more of your Swell podcast. Thanks
Marley Musarra
@MarleyMusarra · 2:44
I feel like I was able to sit in your shoes and just be so taken back, and I felt the pain and the heartache of it and also kind of just like some wonder and amazement for the story itself and the unexpected aspects of it and just like imagining being in your shoes. It really listening to you, to me, on such a journey. So thank you for this incredible, vulnerable share. I'm grateful that you feel safe to share this story
Momma Stac
@StacSmith · 2:04


I know that I'm 52 years old, so as many years ago that a lot more things were kept behind closed doors, and now it's more open and there's more resources, but I feel like there are still a lot of people that are hiding the same sort of things, and I never want to see anyone go through any of that. Yeah, I'm excited that you are listening, and I really appreciate it. And I'm excited to share all of this
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:59
Literally, the lyrics from the song was playing in my head as I was listening to you, and I was like, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I am a nurse. And I remember going into Neonatology 2003, and that was common. You saw Teen Moms. Now to see a teen mom is like a unicorn. There aren't teen pregnancies that much anymore
Momma Stac
@StacSmith · 5:00


And it's not like this person is young, this person is older, in her late twentys, early 30s. So it just baffles me that that's her plan is if I get pregnant, I'll just have an abortion. And it's like, come on, take control of your body, do the birth control. I can't imagine what abortion could do continuously to the insides of your body. Just like Plan B, the pill, the day after. It's crazy to me