Shawna Barnes
@ShawnaBarnes · 5:00

Knocking on Heaven’s Door - Part 1

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She assures me, no, he's in good hands, good care. They have to treat it. But by Monday evening, I'm driving up there to see for myself, and he's better. But turns out twice in two days he almost died. He's sick. He's almost dead sick. He's knocking on heaven's doors sick. Perhaps the blessing is he doesn't seem to know that. So yeah

#TellYourStory "The most challenging obstacle I've overcome" #DailyPrompt26Nov23

Wende Neen
@WNPerspectives · 2:24

Challenging obstacles #wnperspectives

Hi, Shero. It's Wendy. Wendy me perspectives. Very sorry to hear that about your parents. I guess as far as challenging obstacles for myself, I can somewhat relate. My father is currently deceased and during the time in which he was ill, he suffered a stroke prior to his passing. And I remember seeing him in a different state. Obviously he wasn't communicable
Shawna Barnes
@ShawnaBarnes · 4:55

Knocking on Heaven’s Door - Part 2

I message my sister and let her know I start to regain a little bit of solid ground beneath my feet. My physical body calms down, probably. My heart rate just starts lessening. I remember who I am. I have this vision of me, my day job, where I have control. I can have a say in what's happening
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