Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 4:37

Did you feel love growing up from your parents?

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So you had a man who was constantly working for his kids. He had young kids. I think my oldest brother was nine when my mom passed when I was born. But I choose the side of love and being a kind person. But I also learned to be firm and protected of myself, which made me grow up protected of my nieces and nephews. You didn't mess with my family because of the upbringing that I had growing up

Love is what I needed

Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:56
And this is why my children are very spoiled, because I want to make sure I don't want to hurt them. I don't want to leave bad memories. I want them to have good memories of growing up, and I want them to be able to come talk to me. I wasn't able to talk to my mother without her eyes rolling to the back of her head. She was very distant, but she didn't want me to be connected to anyone else
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 2:14


You. That was beautiful. Oh, that was so beautiful. And I'm proud of you for becoming the mother that you wanted. I'm proud of you for that. And it's so amazing that you said we we to become the parent or we do to our kids the way we was raised. And that's so true because I think my daughter was 13 years old when she confronted me of how I was raising her
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Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:40


I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Growing up. I did feel love for my mom, made me feel very taken. My father loved me and I know my father loved me. He just didn't show his world the way that I wanted to be loved. My father was a provider and he was a protector. So that's what he did. He provided and he protected
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 2:28


I foster a lot of kids, I mentor a lot of kids. And the girls, the girls have lot of resentment because they say, well, she didn't want me. But then they turn around and have more kids and keep those kids. So that's double abandonment that they feel. But I'm glad you and your mom is working on it and it will get better, it will get stronger. And you have a wonderful weekend. God bless
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jalina upchurch
@YaGirlNikki · 4:10

Good question

You definitely want to express there's a number of factors that can play into why a child may not feel love by their parent or experience that parents may be going through something on their own, dealing with their own mental, and can't even show the love to their child. And that's not an excuse, because you have that child, and you should be able to express that love. If you felt that you wasn't mentally stable to have children, then don't have them
Antionette Wiggins
@Queen11 · 1:07


Good Evening. Good Evening. Good evening. This is the queen. That was an amazing journey, Miss Nikki. And I'm glad that you learned that we can always change the next generation. We can do better with the next generation, with our kids
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