Nidhi Tripathi
@purujitshashwat · 4:46

Someone I never really noticed, till they were gone...

Memories of your laughter, your touches, your imbarance bring souls to my hurt in this empathy space. Though you are gone, your loves remain a beacon bright, guiding me through the darkness of the night. So sometimes I'm feeling in the depth of my hurt an eck that won't subsidize. Your absence leaves me feeling empathy inside each day. Feeling feels incomplete, like a puzzle missing a piece. Without your presence, life's color seems to seize the bond we share

#sdp24Mar18 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:23


Wow. Nidhi, I wanted to thank you for just approaching this with such openness and beauty. And I just believe that when we speak into the space anywhere, I think a lot of people hear it, seen and unseen. So I hope that holds true for this. Thank you so much