
Moog Modular experience: DFAM, Mother 32, Grandmother

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So this song was put down with the D FAM. First, creating the drum beats playing with the low pass filter and the high pass filter. Playing with the VCO decay and the VCA decay a lot between that and the low pass filter to create different tones and different sections where sometimes you get a more snappy snare and then more of a bass or kind of syncopated weird rhythmic patterns

https://s.swell.life/STSdrAIQunrbSuE #electronicmusic #music #


More analog. https://s.swell.life/STSe5BzFAb0eAFl

So that means if you have Mawed mother 32 coming into line one, that you could have, my D FAM is going into line two. Those are mono tracks and they all get a slider. You can apply whether you're going to use any kind of effects or whether you're going to actually control any other aspects of the recording with a compressor or not. And so it's a cool way to have dollar functionality right at the instrument. So you don't have to sit at the computer
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Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:17
As usual I listen and I learn and it sounds really cool it's a whole other language it's really you're introducing a soundscape and a tonal world that I am only beginning to understand thanks for sharing this with the world