Adam E.L. Anthony
@onwardandupward · 4:45

Our "most desired audience"

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Even though I've placed them in that category, I've placed them in that space to be my most desired audience. And how that affects a person when they don't positively affirm you or show interest or build off. Like there are times where I remember a family member that I've had, I would share something really exciting like, oh, hey, I am launching this podcast and I'm excited. And they would counter with something about them and it's like, oh yeah

Who’s yours? Do you have one? #support #motivation #desire

Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 4:47
But again, this is obviously a little deeper than what probably you were expecting. But a person in general, an artist, their desire is to be appreciated, right? And simply facing, for example, an actor who faces the crowd the first time when he's performing on stage, they feel alive because they are facing their darkness. They are facing their fears
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:42
So it's already unwritten contract between you and your guardian in terms of character building, but they will see in the youth the naivete of their aspirations and goals because they are older, they have lived the life that you have lived already, and they have made the mistakes that they perceive you to be making. So in turn, they will casually dismiss your interest at times, especially if it doesn't align with what they perceive to be functional or beneficial or have great monetary value
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Adam E.L. Anthony
@onwardandupward · 2:27


We do it to get attention, to get purpose, to feel good about ourselves, sure. But I'm more also digging into the fact of not just to have a desired audience for my own reasons, my own purpose, but for the sake of wellbeing, for the sake of community, for the sake of humanity
Adam E.L. Anthony
@onwardandupward · 3:16


But I think from one fellow black child to another who has black parents and how they can be when it comes to sharing things that they're not fully certain of, it can be discouraging, right? And I think the real skill and the real empowerment comes from knowing that that can exist or not exist. If we don't ask, if we don't say, hey, what do you think about this, mom? What do you think about this, dad?
Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 5:00


I agree with the whole idea of not only desiring an audience but having a certain intention behind it. If a person, for example, I'm sure you have a podcast, you are working on your audio messages, whatever swell costs, or if you have a separate video channel, whatever it is or whoever, it's important to work like a craftsman, otherwise it becomes very abstract
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:43


He's a hard guy to reach sometimes. But yeah, it's been a while since I've heard them say something about what I do online and whatnot I don't know. It's interesting. And with my peers, they can be a good judge of my pursuits, but even then, sometimes I might disagree with something they feel strongly on with what I'm doing. And I feel like, well, I'm doing it because of this and this and this
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:00
And they to say in one of their videos about having consistency and then there's the other video about knowing who your audience is and when to be daring and expand your content to include more people from a different background or a different interest. And so I've been trying to focus on that with my own social media
Adam E.L. Anthony
@onwardandupward · 1:39


Hey, JL, really quickly, I wanted to reply on the whole social media content strategy thing because I've been thinking about that as well. And I'm glad that you brought it to my swell because I have been talking with my videographer on some of the content that I've been doing doing, and we're going a little off topic ish but we're still in the realm, so just follow me for a moment. I think that what he was saying was you're chasing purpose