Jennifer Ryan
@no5isalive · 2:25

Self care can look different.

I had this idea in my head of self care as like this elaborate routine that I would do a face mask or go get a massage or really like exfoliate and take care of myself and sleep in. And that type of stuff is good for some people. But I had to look at my own life and really evaluate where I am right now and realize that that is not the self care need. So my self care for me looks like remember to drink some water every day

#selfcare #mentalhealth

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:51


I think we're all amazed at results when we see them happening fast. But the true reality is when you see results in people's lives, it didn't happen fast. You just weren't there when the story unfolded month after month. So I honor your patience with yourself, your benevolence with yourself. And that self care conversation is really personal and it's really beautiful. And I'm so happy that you're having it in a way that feels right for you. Right. Go get them
Zara Lisbon
@ZLisbon · 3:49
But instead of like this umbrella self care care, which has become sort of just a marketing tool for tons and tons and tons of companies, I've kind of just turned it into for myself just how to go easier on myself. Because I'm extremely hard on myself and need to literally care for myself. Not self care, but caring for myself. Genuinely
Jennifer Ryan
@no5isalive · 2:13


Thank you so much. You hit on several points of what I was attempting to say and nailed it. Just being a little kinder to yourself and sometimes times for people who are especially hard on themselves, like you say that you are, and I know that I am on myself. It was really digging in to the idea of self care, and it kind of finally clicking. That means not being hard on myself if I don't meet that goal
Isabella Croston
@isabellaa · 1:03
So I'm really glad that you made us all about that, because it's important, especially with social media and the Internet and seeing people have their self care days. And you're like, oh, mine should look like that. But they just don't. It's just important to remember. Like you were saying, they don't all look the same and something that can be self care for somebody else won't work for you and vice versa
Kylie Miller
@kyliemiller · 1:01
I don't have to do like set things, but just trying to do more things that are good for myself and talking nicer to myself that can be self care using daily affirmations. Talking and uplifting yourself is such a good form of self care, but everybody's self care kind of looks different because we're all needing to be cared about in different ways from ourselves. But Yeah
Alejandro Padilla
@aljaparu01 · 2:00
Just keep on focusing on things that are essential for you that you know will lead you down the right path sometimes I know it's hard because your mind wanders and it leads you to other things