yolanda cuyler
@Mslalacee47 · 0:43

#Perspective | "Moonlight and love songs"... are they out of date in modern romance?

You. I feel like today's people, moonlight and love songs might be outdated for them. The people back in the day, they appreciated moonlight and love songs. But I think that this generation now wants different things. They find those things boring. But as far as romance is concerned, I think it should come back. Moonlight and up, songs and letters. All the things that just made girls have butterflies

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp12 @dbpardes

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:13
Hey, Londa, I agree with you. I think there's something very enduring about these ideas of romance. But different generations definitely have different expectations and different language that they express it in, for sure