Tiffany Edwards
@mrspoetic · 1:57

Fountain of Yourh

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Good afternoon. How y'all doing? My name is Tiffany. I just joined this platform today, and I'm already loving it. This is my first time being on the podcast. I've never done this before, but people been telling me about it, and I thought I should check it out. I forgot where I see this app at, but I'm glad that I saw it because otherwise I wouldn't be up here. So I wanted to talk about the fountain of youth
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:44
And so, coincidentally, around that time, oprah had a guest on her show, and one of the women in the audience talked about being petite and often being told that she looked like she was a child. And this person on the show gave tips on how she could change the way she dressed, but how she could also change her voice
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Tiffany Edwards
@mrspoetic · 1:58


That is not me. I dress like that in my twenty s and now it's like, no, my feet hurting these hills. I'm not trying to be cute for anyone. I'm going to wear my Vans without shoe laces and be happy. Yes, girl. Thank you so much for commenting on my thread and continue to look beautiful and young
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:46

@mrspoetic @Her_Sisu

So I think it's a lifelong journey to say, no, this is my age, and be proud of it, but also know that you're doing the best you can to feel young and vital, because that's the feeling inside that you need outside is a whole different conversation. But welcome to swell, and it's really great to hear that you're feeling good
Tiffany Edwards
@mrspoetic · 2:06


Oh, yes, honey. And thank you so much to responding to my threat. I just want to say that I am the fountain of youth. I get told this a lot, and it's it feels really good to have people check asked my parents. I don't know what I'm doing that makes me look so young. I guess I go to bed really early bird, and I wake up screaming early. Don't ask me why, but my sleep pattern is jacked up
Linda Richardson-Ali
@DivaNana · 0:38
Hi and welcome. I'm also new. I know what you mean. I am 67 years old and I put a picture up and I have a 50 year old son. I have to three kids, but my oldest is 50. No one believes me. I have a 30 year old granddaughter. I don't know what it is. Genetics. I don't buy face creams. I don't have facelifts. It's like the oldest black don't crap, baby. Enjoy yourself on here
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