Kim Eames
@MomKatt · 3:11

"I’ll have what she’s having"

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Hello? So my onceina lifetime experience involves winning a radio contest. I was working at Ridgetop roofing, and just down the street was whatever media company owned channel eleven and whatever the radio station was. And I, at some, some point earlier, I had been the right number caller, and I got my name, put in the hat for a trip for two to fly from Fairbanks, Alaska, down to Seattle and see dire straits in what at the time was called the key arena

#TellYourStory #SwellPrompt | I had a once in a lifetime experience when I...

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:44


Hey, Kim, I love the ending where we find out that you and Dennis have been together for 31 years. That's the best part of the story. And it's apropos to the Harry Met Sally because you guys were buddies and then you became friends. So what a great story. And I love the idea of the radio station playing it to death because you can't script that stuff when something like that happens