Michele Olivieri
@Micheles_Words · 4:46

Navigating and Meeting Grief Every Day

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It is with me all the time, but it's in the background. And a moment like that brings it to the front. It's a reminder that he's not here. It's a reminder that he is missing out on literally every single thing that happens. And it reminds me that there are things I wish he was still here for. I think that what everybody has to remember. And this is really one of the reasons that I'm doing this today

Talking about a bad day with #grief as an adult navigating life without parents

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:36

@Micheles_Words https://s.swell.life/STjMqpqEsZXyIps

It sometimes never finds a home, so it kind of lingers around you. But when you give it a place and you honor that it's going to be there, it seems to settle in and become more of something that's like a piece of art. In a lot of ways, it's less traumatic. But there's so many different times of our lives when no logic fits and it's just pain and hard times
article image placeholderSwell Audio Book Reading: Climbing Out From Under – A handbook for heartbreak
Michele Olivieri
@Micheles_Words · 1:44


Those cliche sayings about how a life lived is a life loved or remembered, and when somebody passes, they're never gone as long as you carry them in your heart. And as cliche as that is, I do believe it, and I think that in that expression is where the beauty lies. But anyway, thank you again for your reply. It was really thoughtful and I appreciated it very much