Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:50

Fabulous Friday - Awareness Cap

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And next week, I'm going to go into a new factor about emotional intelligence. But this week, we're talking about selfawareness. So what is selfawareness? It's our internal awareness of how we see ourselves. It's knowing who you are, knowing what you need and what you want, that you have clear values that you are aware of, and you're willing to have a little bit of discomfort for your own self reflection

#FabulousFriday #AwarenessCap #MHNmaven

Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:26


When you truly don't understand what it is to go through a healing journey and to support someone with that, then you revert back to that selfish act because you don't realize that part of their journey is to have to set up boundaries. And people, oh, boy, do people hate boundaries. But let them tell it, you're taking something from them when all you're trying to do is just give more to yourself. I e becoming self aware
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:52


And it basically goes and boils down to self awareness growth of the emotional intelligence package. And just so you know, I've taken a break this week, took my little pause. Everybody needs a mental health time. So it's been about four months. I've been on the platform Monday through Friday, and so I took a break