Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:49

Playing the Victim vs Manipulation - Should we judge?

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Where relief strategies, which is something I've come up with, sounds so much better because it's actually getting to the root of your problem. It's actually finding out and becoming aware. Everything in psychology is about awareness. Everything in behaviors is about awareness, awareness of how you act and react and fine tuning it so that you can encompass the whole world and be at peace with everyone. Because isn't that a much better way to live?

#PlayingVictim #Manipulation #Judging #MHNmaven

Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:49
I mean, if you really deeply think about these different things, you understand why people get into these behaviors and get into these mental health disorders and you can understand why the Mind health Network and bo your Mind Health Network maven has taken this on because it's very important to become aware that everybody has anxiety. And anxiety is where it starts