Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:34

Thankful Thursday - No Failure

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We can't fail if we take a look at it and go, whoa, that didn't work out the way I expected. Okay, let's pivot. Let's take a look at it from another perspective. And then when you adjust and you come and regroup, perhaps the next time it's successful, right?

#ThankfulThursday #NoFailure #MHNmaven

Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 3:42
Is there a training I can take? Is there something I forgot to bring up that would be a game changer for me being considered? So take those mistakes, take those let downs and really just learn from them and embrace the journey. One of the things that I've seen a few times on the internet is that impossible. Even the word itself says I'm possible. So I think that's a really good reminder too