Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:50

Mindset Is Everything

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Why do we focus on the negative? It's just the way we have been, for lack of a better term, groomed through society. We have negative everywhere, especially now with social media. Everything's in your face, it's all there. It's telling us, hey, guess what? All these horrible things happened today, right? And when we're focusing on the negative, that's all we're going to see

#ForwardThinking #Mindset #PositivePsychology #InnerPeace #MHNmaven

Jayne Carson
@wsjayne · 1:03
Bo. This is definitely manifesting. I have been told this for the last six weeks. I need to work on my inner self. Think more with your heart. No more inner than think with the brain. It has confused me. If I find my inner self, things will start to blossom. This came from a woman. I call her like the Long Island medium. She was definitely channeling. So my question is, how do you do the inner? How do you listen to your heart?
Benjamin Camras
@BenjaminCamras · 3:06
How can I just really make decisions and get out of my head? Ultimately, that's what it's about. It's about getting those ideas and all those thoughts and translating them into action, actually doing more, which goes against what I said, being more. But I think you get what I'm saying, I hope. But just yeah, overall creating more action so that the ideas and the thoughts don't just stay in your head, right?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

@homosanity · 4:33
It was key to focus on those things, otherwise you died. And so it's geared in our DNA. And so you're right, we have to make a conscious effort. And part of that also that I'm trying to learn and it's hard, is also not shaming yourself for negative thoughts, but just changing them over. It's a challenge. For years, I heard from older people, count your blessings, count your blessings. When you wake up, count at least three blessings
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 2:10


You. Wow. Thank you so much for sharing all that fantastic insight, fantastic way of looking at this through the DNA. Yes, we all, you know, were hunters and gatherers and times were so different, so it was eat or be eaten kind of world and you had to solve the problem s when they arose, wherever you were living in your little hut and all the different things
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:49


Hello there. Thank you for replying to the broadcast. So your question is really a big question. I'm not a licensed therapist, although I recently graduated with top honors with a BS in psychology. And I've studied this subject for decades and participating groups, led groups, just very well versed on it
Bo Freeman
@MHNmaven · 4:33


It really did clear the cobwebs out that were accumulating from sitting there for so long and it gave me a fresh perspective to look at my homework that I didn't even have before because I had been sitting there mundane for so long doing that task. So it sounds like what you're going through is kind of doing that with your life where being more and doing less and seeing the balance that is really important in order to accomplish that flow, to just flow naturally through your life