Haya Shah
@MaheRukh · 0:51

New on Swell

You all Swell citizens, please help me. I want to know how can I post on Swell? And which kind of post or which kind of podcast I'll make? T suggest me, please guide me. I really don't understand. I install this app in my phone, but literally, I don't understand. How can I take it? How can I make any swell? I really don't understand. Please help me, guys. Please help these swell citizens. Please, please

Help me

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:23


They appreciate your participation and then you follow them, they follow you. And then all of a sudden you've got ten or twelve people that you really are connecting to on a daily basis. It's wonderful. So my question is for you. What drew you to this particular voice driven community? And have you ever imagined yourself as a personal Pod caster? Because now you are. I'm wondering what you'd like to be doing here