Erich Michaels
@LunaticRavings · 2:24

Mutually Assured Destruction

Mutually assured destruction. You spend half your life with your hands covering your mouth, muffling your screams, regretting the things you'd said. You spend the other half kneading your knuckles into your doughy temples, wishing you had said the things you didn't. We define ourselves in these moments of action or inaction and let those moments of blissful silence pass by unnoticed. We are hurricane scenes turned inside out where the storm rages most on the inside

#poem #poetry

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:43


Wow. I just popped to listen to this and I just love the idea of ripples being driven by love. Oh, it's so beautiful. And the image of the leaf going into the drain and transformed, it's just gorgeous. I relate to it so much. Like the hurricane inside all of us and it's turned inside out, and the internal rumblings and, you know, you look at a person randomly on the street and you have no idea what's going on
Erich Michaels
@LunaticRavings · 0:21


Thank you so much for your comment. I mean, you really dug into it, and I'm really glad that you liked it. Comments like yours, that really that's the connection between people and the human condition and everything that drives me to do what I do. So thank you. Thank you very much