Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 4:57

End Of An Era ( Radio Talk Show)

I live in the Bay Area West Coast and I used to listen to this radio talk show 810 KGO and it abruptly ended Thursday, last Thursday and a new format was launched and it it's a sports betting type of format. Like we need more people betting on games and we need to talk about it. We don't need to talk about world issues, issues that affect our community
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:50
So you have Charlemagne, the god, he's having aspirations to do talk shows and all that stuff, as you said, obviously, because it's a bigger bag. So it's interesting with radio broadcasters when they become big, well, I don't know, do they become big still in this day and age? I can imagine. There obviously is a viable audience out there, a network for it. But yeah, it's just times are different now
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:25
So you have the conscious rappers that are rapping about what's happening in our community, police brutality, voting, our ancestral history. And people are like, Eh. But when I listen to that type of information, that type of those lyrics from different lyrics, I captivated and I'm thinking, this is great music. Why is it not on mainstream platforms? And it's not because it's not talking about drug, sex, violence and money and women
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:56


Obviously, it's never spoken about enough. Social media becomes the news source. The news is now forming on social media, trying their best to infiltrate the crazy uncle in the basement. They're trying to be there too, so at least they could be in someone's feed and give some true news as opposed to opinionated news. But it's a loss when something like that shifts over and money does become the root of changes like this
phil spade
@Phil · 3:00

Could be all about prop 26 and 27

If you look at the amount of money that advanced deposit wagering companies are spending on customer acquisition, it wouldn't surprise you for them to throw money at this and try to get the masses in California onto sports wagering. It's a very low margin business sports wagering overall. So the number of people that they need is great. I mean, you think about it like a grocery store. They need many, many people coming in and betting on these apps
will guzman
@wilshine729 · 3:05

End of An Era

People gravitate to those kind of shows, and they tune in because there's real content, right? And it's real things being discussed. I'm so in love with certain shows. I used to watch coast to coast. I used to listen to coast to coast. Excuse me