Love Live Learn
@LoveLiveLearn · 1:48

Do you really remember it as it happened?

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Hi, and welcome to love, live, learn. Did you know that memory is actually prioritized by the emotion? We remember things how we feel. Memories of emotional events are often more vivid and accurate than memories of neutral experiences. For example, you probably remember more details about your first kiss than the first time you brushed your own teeth. Emotions matter when it comes to memory. They might help sharpen details of key events, but they can also blur your recollection depending on the context

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Rohit "ROSH" Sharma
@Foodographer · 0:50
I listen to your son. It was had a very deep meaning to it. Listening to that, especially to that very sentence where you said and mentioned about emotion, emotional. The more the emotion, the more vivid the picture becomes. So the first case or the four first hug, maybe the first punishment to the first phrase, which you won the laugh which you have with your friends
Love Live Learn
@LoveLiveLearn · 1:20


Like we have strong positive emotions or strong positively impacting emotions that we remember. Similarly, we have negatively impact emotions that will stay with us for a very long period of time. And getting rid of them, learning how to manage them, learning how to regulate them, letting go of them is so important. To be able to heal from the past traumas, to be able to heal from bad experiences, things that have hurt you