Aaron Lang
@LangAaronM · 5:00

Political Divide - Dont Avoid it. Know it, Identify it, Embrace it.

In the legislative branch, most people's ignorance to these subjects, to knowing exactly where political power lies and knowing exactly what we can do to affect positive political change that is used to continue further dividing people on a lot of subjects. And what's really unfortunate is people start immediately, again boiling it down to left versus right. But if you look at both major political parties, this happens in both of them
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 2:54
That's where I'm at now as a citizen of the United States of America. I just want to make informed choices about who I am voting for versus is maintaining some sense of allegiance to one particular party over another. I noticed as of late I've been in this space of being willing to lean in and be curious and to engage and ask questions. There's a lot I have to learn, there's a lot I don't know
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:13


But when it comes to taking advantage of knowing things and identifying with how you're responding to facts beyond politicians, beyond party, it's very clarifying to say I'm brave enough to look at an issue regardless of who's supporting it and really examining it to the best of my ability
Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 4:53

Division is inevitable

And there also is I think that it all depends on what you're calling ignorance, because what I deem to be a fact, me stating what I know and truly believe to be facts, someone would say, well, that's incredibly ignorant of you. So even on that basis, there is division on what is actually a fact because again, we all do live different lives and have different realities. But overall, I do think that a political divide is inevitable
Aaron Lang
@LangAaronM · 5:00


That last one seems a little bit hard for me to believe, especially given our economy, given the jobs, markets, given everything that we've dealt with over the past two to three years. Even more than that, what we've really been dealing with for the past four to five years is kind of crazy to me. How in the world people would be content right now to not show up and desire political change is actually beyond my ability to comprehend. I don't believe that exists
Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 5:00


I live in Jersey, which where I live in Jersey is like 1 mile away from New York. I've read bills for fun. So I did have a lot of interest in politics. And then my life just switched to where me just existing is quite political
Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 2:16
And that moving on is not putting energy into the systems they don't want to. Sure, I could put energy into running for a position, lobbying for certain bills, doing all of the political action, but frankly, I don't want to. And the way that my life is run, I see change faster by putting my energy in other outlets
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:43


It reminds me of, in a bizarre way, your conversation reminded me of what frustrated the banking industry so much with regard to the Occupy Wall Street, because the Occupy Wall Street conversation was telling the entire banking industry we need to disrupt this. But they kept on asking for something in their language to work with. They wanted some recommendations. They wanted sort of the blueprint we were asking for so that they can negotiate. But the Occupy Wall Street paradigm was not about working within a system