Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 2:37

#askswell | Is FEAR part of Procrastination?

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Am I frustrated? Or is there self doubt? And when I say I want to do some things, I have a business of my own and I work very hard at it. When you are a business owner, you work 16 hours a day, whereas one person at work might do an eight hour shift. I'm still working when people are at home, but I'm working for myself and for my family. But some days I get up and I'm just like, oh, my gosh

#procrastination #fear #doitnow #businessowner

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:08


And the looming idea of what success means and how we measure our success is sometimes very oppressive to a creative process that might not be on the same axis of time as other people's. So I think the benevolence we owe ourselves is to say that if I am drawn to do something, I want to follow that inclination and give it the sunlight it needs and give it the energy it needs and get support for that
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:05


But, yeah, procrastination to me is a real thing sometimes because I get a fear of not having it done on time and then I push myself. I'm a perfectionist and I work very hard to do that. But I love your explanation of what procrastination really is and the pressure that we put on ourselves in society to essentially get it right or get it wrong. So thank you so much for chiming in and leaving this, because a lot of people are going to listen to it
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Mike W
@Scribe7 · 3:08


But for me, it's almost like punishing myself, because the time that I do have, I got to wait till the last minute to do what I got to do. I always do it, but it's either late or I'm running myself crazy trying to get it done. And I heard on YouTube somebody said something about the root of it was fear. So I seen the therapist, and I asked her, and she was like, no
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:52


You. Thank you for contributing to this swell. Yes, sir. Yeah. I think the fear of success, like I was saying earlier, it is a matter of responsibility. Oh my goodness. A matter of drive and ambition. But do you want to be successful? I mean, a lot of us strive to be successful, but do we really want to be on top? Do we?
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Chantal Angelique
@chantalangeliqu · 1:53
You. I'm so glad you posted this because I feel I feel what you're saying. I do feel like there is that fear 100% because there's so many things that I think of doing. And when I really sit down and think about it, I let my insecurity, me not believing in myself, I just say, you know what? I'm just not even going to do it. And one thing I really do well, I feel is plan
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:41


So I think you're doing a great job right now just talking about it, and I really appreciate you stopping by to tell us about it because, yeah, a lot of people are afraid to even talk about procrastination because they don't want to seem like they're lazy or that they don't get things done. Well, it's not about laziness or not getting things done. It's about why you're not getting them done, why you're procrastinating, like Ms. Pardes said earlier
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Nikkeita Sharrma
@Natureadds · 4:48

Its all interlinked and in our minds #procrastination #fear #neagative #thoughts #life

I was kind of struggling with one thought process, one incident, actually, and I was stuck with it. And I was looking for answers. I was looking for answers, but I was still not wanting to answer because I knew that the answers only I had, because it is my problem. So I will only have to address it and I will only have to get rid of it
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:49


And that's hard sometimes because we have standards for ourselves that we want to achieve that many others might not even have those type of standards for us, but we put those kind of limitations on us, so getting out of our head is important as well. So, yeah. Fear for improst nation, I believe they go hand in hand, but they don't have to, and that's what I'm trying to do break that cycle. Thank you for contributing to this swell
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Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 1:52
Good evening, Evelyn. What beautiful thoughts you presented about persevering on the path of goals and making winning a habit. These are really encouraging thoughts on a tired evening and really a booster for proceeding on the path of goals and a life mantra to me. Of course. Ah, coming to your questions is fear a part of procrastination?
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:47


So I am working toward that goal every single day. And I thank you so much for commenting on this well, today to reassure me that I'm not the only one that feels that way. So thank you, and have a great day. Bye
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Neena Maiya
@neenamaiya · 0:36
You. I think procrastination stems from fear. The fear of something going wrong. It's basically that's what it is for me. Everybody has to know what their fear is. But I know when I procrastinate it's because I I am terrified of something going wrong. So I once we know what that fear is, we just have to deal with it. Knowing what it is doesn't mean that we will stop procrastinating. But at least we know
Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:31


Yes, ma'am. I think it does stem from fear. I think procrastination is just one of those things we have to overcome in life, just like everything else. But it takes some time because sometimes we're procrastinating because we're afraid or we don't want to fail, or we are scared to succeed. But I thank you so much for contributing to this. Well, because every thought is important and I really like dioris
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