Katharine Coles
@katharine.coles · 3:46

Words Whispered to a Child Under Seige by Joseph Fasano

And what I answered was that I think my job is not necessarily as a poet to promote a particular point of view, but rather to open an experience in its human complexity to the reader in a way that allows the reader to come in and have the experience and then walk away. More thoughtful. Not necessarily adopting my exact point of view, but opening themselves to a more complex point of view


Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:24


So many things are wrong with the world today, but when you have a poet that basically offers up this magical realism, it's a beautiful reminder that we all can, I don't know, bring each other along. Because we're all children on some levels, too. But it is truly the little ones that little ones that suffer the most. Anyway, thank you for sharing this and not anyway. Yes, this end