Thank you. A teacher that had an impact on me is Mr. Kim Robinson. And this would have been 10th grade. And at that point, I was having some assessments done, like academic assessments, trying to see, you know, what were the source for some of the challenges I was having with my classwork and whatnot. And of all the, and of course, when they do these kinds of assessments, they send information or questionnaires to the teachers to get their perspective on it as well

#teachers #listening

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:34


Hey, Javon. I'm such a junkie for stories about teachers. Thank you so much for offering us this one. I have a teacher that I'm still friends with who's, like, in his late 80s that I had as a Russian teacher. And he always kind of pushed me and checked in with me and just had a little eye out for me. And it just taught me that that's to be expected of good people. And I look for that in my life
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:16

#teacher #school #education

So hats off to your 10th grade teacher for doing that. I've definitely had my fair share of teachers. I won't go into them here, but, yeah, they really can pivot our entire life, so it's kind of fun to give credit to the people who have shaped us through our lives. So respect for you and, yeah, respect to the teaching