Joey Schwartz
@joeythecoffeegy · 0:48

Even on a rainy day, we should stay positive

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Good morning everyone. This is Joey, the coffee guy. Welcome back. It is today's, Tuesday, October 25 on this rainy day. Muggy day. Yeah. Anyway, even this muggy day, we should always stay positive. No matter how much it rainy day will go by. Everything is going to be okay. We just need to stay positive. We need to stay focused and everything is going to be alright. All right? Hopefully this will make your day. Have a good day


Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:29


So that's great energy. Thanks for the little singing thing there. Hey, since you're the coffee guy, I have to ask you, how do you take your coffee? What's your coffee dream? What's your little ritual, if you have one? I think you might have talked about that before, but I need to know now because this is my first experience of your swell. So I want the details. Maybe I need to go to your profile. I got to do that
Joey Schwartz
@joeythecoffeegy · 1:06


My favorite coffee at the moment. I use Pete's coffee. Major Dickinson. Delicious, delicious, delicious. You need to try it out. What else? When I go out, I usually take a good Starbucks. They have great coffee, and, yeah, I got to continue going out, getting a little bit different coffees as well. That's what's up