Jessica McMillan
@JLMcMillan · 3:25

Unload Your Earworm Here

article image placeholderScientists name the ultimate earworm and explain what makes songs addictive
There's some like Rick Astley's never going to give you up that have become a grand the popular subject of online prankery. Thanks so much for listening. Please do share your earworm and if you have any tips on how to get rid of it, thanks so much for listening. Bye

#music #songs #earworm #research https://s.swell.life/SSmDEWaZKUjNDt6

Clay Lowe
@soulcruzer · 1:39
And I'm sure there's half a dozen other ones that pop into my head that I like. But this one is the one that came as I was listening to your thread. And as for how to get rid of them, I don't know if I have an answer to that other than listen to another song and start singing that one out loud to kind of brush this one out. But I find all that does is delay the earworm coming back
Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 3:47

So many songs get stuck in my head

How often did I wake up with a tune already in my brain even before I was alert and had any caffeine and it was about 90 days out of the year. So it wasn't every single day. And sure enough, there were plenty of musical theater songs in there, but also random rock songs and children's songs
Jessica McMillan
@JLMcMillan · 2:11

Great examples and strategies! @Tim @soulcruzer

I think there's something really interesting to look at there, and it doesn't have to be a scientific analysis by any means, but that's just the power of music for you. I laughed really hard when unannounced. You started playing the Hawaii 50 theme song, and that's a good one to get stuck in your head. And your friend's advice is great. That makes a lot of sense