Jeffrey Andino
@jeyrocky · 3:52

Dealing with loss and guilt

You. Hello, everyone. I don't know who's listening. If you're listening to me right now, I hope to give whoever's going through a hard time loss of a loved one, loss of a family member, anybody close to you that's passed away to deal with to deal with grief and to deal with feeling guilty. So I recently lost somebody close to me. And me and her, we dated, we were together, but we stayed friends
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:34


Hey, Jeffrey. I'm so sorry that you are in the real beginning stages of this loss. And anyone who's close to each of us that leaves and leaves a hole in our lives, they they have an indelible way of playing a role in our relationship to to this idea of grief and loss. And I know that grief is something that changes and changes us and it changes itself the way it shows up in our lives