Janie Austin
@Jdc · 0:35

Lesson 1 Question for the instructor...

article image placeholderLesson 1 | Acknowledge Your Courage
Hello, Deborah. Thank you so much for lesson one. I have problems with fear. I know that I have a lot to say in a lot of different areas, but I just can't get over that shyness. I guess if I could say that, how can I? I can do it on swell, but to do it, like, on Facebook live or do it live, I just second guessed myself. What do I need to do? Please help me

#PubSpeak101Lesson1 #PubSpeak101 #pubsp101L1p2 @dbpardes https://s.swell.life/SUBl1BJCHx3MNGX #publicspeaking

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:09


And also it comes from sort of the inner critic in yourself that is alive and well that says, oh, you're not going to be good at talking about this or you're not going to be flowing with your words and you might mess it up. In fact, there's a session in this series called training your inner critic, and it talks about that
Janie Austin
@Jdc · 0:42
Thank you so much. I appreciate that. And, you know, I'm constantly working on myself and telling myself I kind of use daily affirmations. I can do all things through Christ will strengthen me. I can do this. I can speak and not be concerned about how I look or am I going to stutter the words or, you know, whatever it may be. But thank you. I really enjoyed hearing you say those things and my confidence just a little bit better