And being able to recover from all of the horrible and negative consequences of our drug addictions, such as facing many Adversities like homelessness physical health conditions that arise as a result of our drug addiction, our mental illnesses being manifested within our bodies and minds when they were not there before, and how we are going to go about treating and hopefully managing our mental illnesses going forward in our lives. Because it is so important you guys to be able to do this

This is our very first episode of Real Life By Caitie! We will be talking about a wide variety of topics and we welcome anyone that is struggling

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:45
There's been a lot of conversations on Swell about the journey of people who are new, newly sober, or who've been sober for a long time. And there's a lot of specific language that people use to kind of identify where they are in their journey. Even the word sober is a very complex word, right? Because there's a lot of people who don't ever get released from the addictive personality, even if they're not using