Jae Bird
@itisjustjae · 1:29

✨Vocab Vibez✨: Episode 6

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Hey. Hey. It is just Jay. And welcome to another edition of Vocab Vibes. I'm your humble host who likes to wield wondrous words while delivering dopedefinitions. Today's word is is semaphore. I just love saying that it's a noun and it means a visual signal. Not very easily done on Swell, but entirely possible. Example, if you have a word you would like for me to explore, how about you send me a quick semaphore?

Where #wondrouswords are wielded and #dopedefinitions are delivered! #ohsnap

Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 1:42
Jay, thank you for inviting me to your swell. And I think it's appropriate because this word is part of our family history. My grandfather was a 30 year career navy veteran. He joined the navy in 19, and in 1920, he went to radio school to learn how to work radio for the navy for ships and planes. But at the time, it was a new technology. When he joined the navy for shiptoship communication, there was no radio
Jae Bird
@itisjustjae · 0:48


I really, really appreciate both your story and your sentiment. Tim, I'm also grateful for your grandfather. I was a radio show host for a few years and really learned the impact and power of of radio communication words as a part of that experience. And so thank you. I'm also a huge history fan, so you have encompassed in five minutes or less. I many of my interests, and so I look forward to learning with and from you through this wall experience. Until next time