Chris Gritti
@InteGritti · 0:59

What does not kill me, makes me stronger...

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I don't wish for strength. I don't dream of more power. And so what doesn't kill me makes me stronger, holds no comfort for me anymore. I'd love to hear your thoughts

#sdp24Mar6 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:28
Yeah, this is a really interesting take. And I guess, yeah, that phrase has never really resonated with me that much. Maybe it would be better to say it does not kill me, makes me wiser. Or that's what I'd prefer to think. That every challenge and obstacle and hard time at the end has some sort of learning that comes from it. I don't know. What do you think?
Edie Reynolds
@elr1227 · 2:06
It also made me a lot more emotional. And sometimes people think of emotions as a sign of weakness. I certainly did. When I was going through my illness. I didn't want anyone to know that I was having a hard time, that I was sad, that life was just difficult. But I found myself tearing up at the slightest little thing. So although it didn't kill me, I don't think I was stronger. I agree with the other comment about being wiser
Sheila Rice
@SheShe10 · 3:59

Trying to found peace of minds

It may not be that at the time we don't realize it, but it always is because we learn not to make those mistakes over again. I recently lost my dad in September the first last year, and a month later I lost my mom on October the fourth. I had spent the last three or four years running back and forth to nursing homes or taking care of my mom and my dad, being both of their homemakers. They had been divorced for years and now I feel at a loss
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