Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 4:15

Get a Degree With Some Meat On It! How to Make That English Degree Work For You♥️

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Having a bachelor's of science in English seems to be a better deal for people. And so the writer, he said he wanted to major in English, but he's also a type of person who's a person of science. And also, he didn't want to have his concentration to be in creative writing, because if he wanted to go look for a job, seeing that the people who will want to hire him, they will see, okay, he has an english degree, creative writing

Link to Article👉🏽 https://s.swell.life/STzAUsJtMKTft3Y #HigherEducation #EnglishDegrees

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:40


What's so strange today is the alarming sense of the job market changing and people are always trying to say, how am I going to make a living? And do I have a degree that has meat on it that will give me entree into jobs? And it's really hard to couple those two conversations because one is just about the experience of education is in and of itself and not as a pathway to getting a job. And I think that's really where people get stuck, rightfully so
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:34


But that's why I like liberal arts education. I think those with liberal arts degrees should be able to get great jobs if that's what they're looking for, because it's fun to indulge and things that you like, and it's just kind of a shame that the world is the way it is. And then, like you said, the chat GBT is pretty much taking over when it comes to the arts and writing, so there's that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

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Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 2:56
But yes, they want to push women into STEM so bad because they feel like there's not enough women, there's not enough people of color in the STEM sector. So they're pushing people to get science degrees and technical and technology degrees and engineering degrees and math degrees and all of that. So I think this is great. I think this will help people because I'm more of an artistic person. I'm not really a tech person. I mean, I can learn tech
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:24


I joke sometimes when I talk to people, telling them that's the reason why I'm never really, really good at any company job, is because the only job I care about and that I love is writing. It seems to be the only thing I can do. And even with writing, I'm still learning. I'm learning something new every day about writing