Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 2:23

Micro Tips - The 90:10 Rule A Control Mindset

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As you look at the 90 demotivating factors, you will realize that your level of control over them is less than 10%. On the other hand, you will realize that you have more than 90% control over the ten motivating factors. It's crucial that you focus your energy on these ten positive things. It is a way of reassuring your subconscious mind that you are in control. And as your brain starts to believe this, it will find new ways to bring your plans to fulfillment

Our subconscious mind does not relate to logic and reason - it only resonates with the emotions around a particular situation. #selfdev #microlessons

Dr.khushboo chauhan
@Fragrance · 1:13
Good morning. Indeed. A great explanation. And to be very honest, I got shocked when I got to know about this ratio of really didn't have any idea about this before, but I shocked that only 10% is Motivating approach of brain. Well, that's quite strange to me. Second thing, whatever you have mentioned about subconscious mind, I do agree with that. It does not understand logics and reasoning, only emotion. It does
Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 1:28


What I meant to say is, when you're faced with a difficult situation, it may be possible that 90% of the task your brain will find, or your mind will find as not worth doing, and you may have only ten reasons to motivate you. Now, for some people, this might be an 80 20 ratio or a 70 30 ratio or a 50 50 ratio. That personally depends from person to person and depending upon the difficulty of the task
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Dr.khushboo chauhan
@Fragrance · 0:08
Oh, okay. Cool. So it may vary from individual to individual. Okay. Thank you. Now it does make sense. Cool
Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 2:46
Hi Geo. A very good morning. I really like this, you know, topic interviewing concept that you have mentioned, the 90 ten rule. It's very, you know, important to focus on, you know, important tasks that yield the greatest result and which can, you know, improve the efficiency of our game use. And by identifying and prioritizing the key activities that have the most impact on our life, we can achieve better outcomes
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:41
Yes. So it's always better to work on the things that we can control. So those ten motivating factors that we can control, it's wise to work on them. So, you know, what I do for challenging tasks is that I plan things. I usually write it down. I break the task into smaller chunks, which are more achievable, probably. I start with what I know, and I do my research if needed. I ask for help if needed, and visualize, probably
Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 0:55


Like you've said, for example, if someone's looking at a challenging task and their thoughts are all over the place, of course the most sensible thing would be to sit down, meditate, and bring your thoughts into order. But that can be a challenge for many people. But they might be great at executing and terrible at planning. So do you have any suggestions on what someone can do to tackle that? Thanks again
ash dew
@ashdew · 1:11


Okay, so then get mentally organized. Get your act together. And if you are poor at planning, hire me. But okay, jokes apart, there are all kinds of combinations. There are people who are great at planning, but then maybe the execution would be a problem. So I think everybody needs both the skills and if you don't have a certain skill, it's never too late to acquire one. Also, things like asking for help can be used by anybody
Kadambari Gupta
@kadambarigupta · 1:18
So thank you so much and I am waiting for the next swell. I wish you all the best, sir. Lots of success to you. All the best wishes. Bye and thank you so much once again for this wealth
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:21
So if I have lots of voices that are saying negative things but I want to push forward, I tend to turn to somebody. So it's about including the voices of others. They might be 90 and ten as well, but their ten might be different than my ten, so their ten might turn my 90 into 80. And if I get a couple of more, I might have a 50 50 after some point, and then that's okay
Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 1:16


Hey, Deborah, thanks for bringing this point in. Hey, Deborah, thanks for bringing this point up. And I realize it's it's quite a crucial point in in deciding how you proceed with a certain task or a situation. So there have been different terms for this. Your tribe dictates your vibe, communities, everything and so on. And that's actually true
Kaps A Perspective !!!!!
@kaps60539 · 5:00

Life a blesings- 90/10 principle

Maybe the next time, grabbing a towel to rush to the stairs after grabbing a new shirt and brave case, you come down and open the window, say hello to your wife, wave and move in a rhythm. Five minutes to your office and you greet your staff there with good mornings and how the good day has begun. And notice the difference. Two different scenario, but both ended differently because of that how you reacted. 90%
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Nidhin George 🔷
@geo_rhymes · 0:47


Hello. At the rate KAPS, that's a profound point that you raised. As I was listening to it, I was reminded of Achart Tolley's words of wisdom. He said more often than not we allow our mind to mindlessly lead us into certain actions and more often than not, these are controlled by our ego to be mindfully present and in the now is the way out of this vicious cycle that you were talking about with relating to the incident where the daughter spills the milk