Gary Brown
@garyplaysbone · 2:34

♬Music Destination: New Orleans

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article image placeholderUploaded by @garyplaysbone
But it'll be a lot of fun. So I was going to ask all of you, where do you go to listen to good music? Whether it's nearby your home or do you hop on a plane or get in the car to travel to a nice place to hear good music? How far have you traveled to hear music and who was it you heard? Which band drew you to travel that far? So tell me your stories. Would love to hear more about it

#NOLA #music #jazzfest

Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 0:52
Gary how cool for you to be walking around New Orleans and be asked to sit in. That's awesome. I've been to New Orleans once and did the tourist thing of seeing the preservation hall jazz band, which was a lot of fun. I'm not a musical tourist and I live near San Francisco, so there's always musicians will always come through town, I guess the farthest I've ever gone