Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:59

The Holocaust Is Not A Speaking Point For Your Rhetoric.

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But it's really interesting because she went on a TV show to talk about this, and instead of apologizing, she kind of doubled down on what she was. She was trying to explain more of what she was saying. And I think sadly, these people, the Holocaust is so far removed from our history that some people just don't realize what actually happened. Some people are even saying it didn't actually happen

How soon we forget.

Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:47
Hi. Thank you so much for this talking point. It's really frustrating to me how there's this people who have more privilege are always in a competition to like, prove their impression. Right. But this is beyond that. This is someone who is completely appropriating and being completely disrespectful to the Holocaust and anyone who was affected. And your point that the Holocaust is not something that can be equated to anything is really important. So thank you for sharing
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 3:53

@FryedOreo A-1 Swell. Question 1: In your opinon are yt peoople different?

It could be Iraq, Syria, anywhere around. They don't exactly have a pinpoint precision at the moment. But that was one of the things that did come up. And I started to think as white people, typically white people are grouped together. Right. I don't quite understand it because when you look at other races. Right, you have Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and even though they're Asian descent, they're not the same
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 2:28

Nightmare I had @FryedOreo

So this is my follow up question. I've decided there's going to be a third swell on this because I do not believe I can fit the second and third thing I want to say into the second swell. The reason why this swell for me is probably I would probably say this is your I mean, you have a lot of great swells, but this is a one for me
Professor Z
@Professor42 · 3:02

@FryedOreoWhoppi Thoughts

Maybe she tries to explain further and digs herself into a bigger hole and stuff like that. But also, I would like to end by saying that I'm really glad that you brought something up like this. So many times I've seen people who flat out denied it or just have incorrect information. So thanks for the swell
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:54

Thank you @studentlife and @Professor42

It's like talking to a victim of a sexual crime and telling her that the person who raped her, it wasn't actually about how she looked. It was about the power. They don't care about that. They're just a victim. They're hurting. They don't care about the psychology behind it and all that s***. They're a victim of something, so I think that's what she should have took into account. But anyway, some of my thoughts
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:41
Whoopi? What the h*** are you doing? Come on. Less is more here. I don't know what it is about people, man. Human beings love to talk about things that they don't know that much about. It's like Joe Rogan brain is infecting the entire population. General rule of thumb, if you don't know much about the Holocaust, don't talk about it, period
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 1:07
People can't see past their privilege, their entitlement, and it clouds people's judgment and perspective of things and makes them feel entitled to equate situations that they or people around them have never had to experience that level of suffering and trauma they've probably never experienced. And I think a lot of that's where racism comes from is people having ignorance because of not being able to see out of their own entitled experience and desensitization. Yeah, I agree
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 1:03
But it's odd to me that someone who does come from, like a severely marginalized community throughout history would try to disregard this as being a race issue because it was and the Holocaust didn't just target race by persecuting Jewish people. Hitler tried to wipe out all disabled persons, a lot of different nationalities, and it was 100% a race issue. But it was also like anyone from the marginalized communities, Hitler just wanted to wipe out
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:23

Thank you @Taylor and @studentlife .

Taylor and student life. Thank you for contributing again. And is there something to be said about the sensationalness of the sensationalism of entertainment where the view is consciously aware that others in social media in fact are getting more exposure than them. So could Whoopi have even been thinking about this for some time and using the right moment as she thought to bring about this for discussion. Yeah the Holocaust is right up there with slavery
Jas (They/them) Martin
@studentlife · 0:33
Yeah, I agree. I think if you have time to sit down and compare and contrast whatever oppression you believe to be in, to, like another group's, oppression, you're not suffering the way the other group is, because when you're in survival mode and your life is on the line, you're not stopping and thinking about, oh, I wonder what this is like. Is this comparable to this? Is it comparable to that? So you can't compare those kinds of things
Indy Rishi Singh
@MysticScientist · 1:50

Shared evolution/trauma

So that's interesting to think about. Why is there a competition of trauma? Why is one group's trauma more important and valuable than another one? Is that something having to do with the narrative? Are we brainwashed and propagandized by media in that way? Because why is anybody suffering more important? What about Native Americans suffering? They're still continuing to suffer, and people are not as adamant or provoked to do something for Native Americans as they are for Jewish folk. Right
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 5:00

My say. @MysticScientist

I just respect their struggle and I want to listen and understand and I don't going to act like I know what it is that they've went through. But thanks for responding
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:25


Hey Dewuan, I just want to shout out to you for this last comment you made here. It just has so many solid points and just really hit me and I have nothing to add. Actually, I just want to thank you for how you frame this. And it really is provocative and gave me a lot to think about and really, really good. Thank you. Great conversation
Erika Schon
@Riki · 0:32
Hi Dewuan, I just want to thank you for honoring the very unique tragedy of the Holocaust and understanding that it's not in our place to compare and to find similarities in these horrific historical events that impact our lives and color our lives so differently. So thank you for honoring the Holocaust in that way. I really appreciate your post
Robert K
@Neopatriarch · 4:19

The Holocaust is the example of evil.

And here's the problem. And this is the problem with all crazy people and crazy thoughts. Everybody's got somebody crazy in their family. Crazy uncle Adolf wouldn't have been a problem if people didn't take up arms and do what he wanted them to do. So, yeah, think about that before you go around following governments blindly because they say to do stuff, they've got a long history of being untrustworthy. And you don't even have to go back too far