Elizabeth Hoover
@elliehoovs · 2:23

#TellYourStory | I did this when I was young. I will never do it again.

And now that I'm about to enter my year and a half, I have a very profound sense of the word no. And I want to impart this ability to say no and to set boundaries in my children. I want them to advocate for themselves. I want them to feel like they can say no sometimes, not all the time, because, let's face it, they still need to do their homework and clean their rooms

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp17 @dbpardes

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:46
But it's so beautiful, and it moves me so deeply. So it's really nice that you want to do that. I think it can be so beneficial for everybody. So, yeah. Thank you so much for sharing and for participating in this prompt