Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 2:03

Someone I never really noticed, till they were gone...

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It's so. There's definitely someone. I never really noticed until they were gone. I guess I just realized recently that that person was just me. I think this actually just came up very recently, but I just kind of had, like, this moment with myself, like, that real, like, look in the mirror. And it didn't come for nowhere

#sdp24Mar18 #SwellDailyPrompt #TellYourStory @dbpardes

Lolita Eaddy
@Woodiemountain · 0:45
You at times. I feel that way often. Yes, I have been there. We all do at times. It's okay. We're all human. We are afraid of things. But that's what makes us stronger. If we make decisions that don't go through well, we learn from it. That is the only way for us to learn. You be okay. I believe in you. You're very honest with expressing yourself
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:33


Hey, Derek. That's a really profound thought. I think we miss our own innocence sometimes, our own youthful spontaneity, our beginner's mindset, our sense of, like, kind of de vive. This aspect of just spontaneity and recklessness, too. But it's a beautiful way to reintroduce yourself is to say, wow, I miss that part of me. What parts do I miss? And can I introduce them to myself so I can get them back? It's a great thought
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 0:20


It. Thank you so much for the positivity and encouragement. I really appreciate that. I definitely needed that in this time and space, so it feels good to know there's more people that relate to that, and I'm not alone in that. So thank you again. I appreciate it, and I promise I'll keep moving forward
Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 0:25


It. Thank you so much for that. I appreciate you. You hit the nail on the head, like, right there, right? Just that newness of it. Right? Just like, just being okay with exploring the unknown, those pieces of it. But you're absolutely right, too. It is a good opportunity to get reacquainted. So I'm going to look at it like that and just keep chugging along, but