Dena S
@denahou · 1:00

#TellYourStory | Visual prompt: a person on a bicycle.

Hello. This looks like a lot of fun. Something I used to do as a kid, as a teen. Not really older than that, but something I don't do as much anymore. I wish I did. I'm a little too heavy right now. I need to lose a little bit of weight to get on the bike. I could only go down the street, and then I'd be huffing. I'm huffing. At least I'm honest with myself. That I would be

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb7 @dbpardes

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:00


Hey, Dina, I'm going to make a deal with you. I hear it in your voice. I think it has a meaning for you. I think you like riding. I don't even own a bike, okay? And I live in Los Angeles. I rent a bike sometimes on the beach. It's so fun. And it's just, they have the perfect bikes for the bike path
Dena S
@denahou · 1:00


But when I do, I will do a swell and take a picture and tag you in it because, yes, you gave me a little bit of inspiration there, and it does sound like fun just to have some, you know, wind in your hair. Have a good time. So thank you for the inspiration, and, yes, I will try to do that. Thanks. Bye