Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:12

KANYE + Antisemitism + Silence = Complicity

article image placeholderMore antisemitic hate seen in L.A. after Kanye West's remarks
There are 14 million Jews in this world, and yet the conspiracy theories abound that we control the world. And we know what happened in the Weimar Republic in the middle of last century and how it rose to become the most violent power against the Jewish culture, jewish people, the Holocaust, and we know right now that things can happen again

#kanye https://s.swell.life/STLCB5Gm2YhuALT @JulietBlake

Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 5:00


And once the world start boycotting, now he's bought this app so he can talk freely. I don't want to hear what you have to say or his shoes or several businesses, then he starts filming. Because if no one buys your product and no one supports you, who are you? Another black man? And that's what nothing wrong with being a young black man. Nothing wrong with that at all. But he won't have the clout. He won't be able to hide
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 5:00
And a lot of this could be rooted in, I know in the East Coast in particular, there's been a lot of kind of small wars going on in the black and Jewish communities, and like New York per se, and I can't begin to unravel that. I'm in the Midwest, and I didn't really grow up around a lot of Jewish people myself
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Oraida Levi
@TalkswithOraida · 4:36

Good bye Kanye!!!

I feel like the media sometimes will focus on the wrong points. And the media is helping Kanye with his and his antisemitism, which a lot of people will say is due because of his mental illness. And that could be a factor, but nobody's really holding him accountable. I believe he did an interview, I do forget with who, and it was brought to his attention of his tweet that he did on Twitter about going def con on the Jewish people
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:06

@oraidatalks @FryedOreo @Luchianna

I just want to say I appreciate how grounded I feel in this moment, listening to these first three voices. There's nothing more powerful than being affirmed, but more than that in this moment, to be pushed and sort of my mind is expanding even more than I anticipated with regard to the complexity of this conversation around who speaks and who doesn't. And Dewuan, to your point about when media is sold to people who want to control it, this is not new
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 2:27
You cannot say things, hurtful things like that, and think that you're untouchable, you know? And this is not to take away from this moment of this world where we're talking about Kanye West now. He wants to be known as Yay, but this is true for the election lies that are being told and still being spread. It's just not it's not true. And it's so much it's damaging to our democracy
Taylor J
@Taylor · 4:28
Was it taming of the shrew? It might be, I can't remember. And it's just been perpetrated throughout history and has manifested itself in literal genocide. One that was so massive that the global population of Jewish individuals is very small. And the idea that there is like a cobble of Jewish people that are pulling these strings is kind of insane. Are there successful Jewish people? Absolutely
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 3:38
What was done to Jewish people what is currently still being done to Jewish people is horrific. Well, that's the same for black people. And what I would love to see, hopefully, in my lifetime is that the concern for black people as a whole rise to the same level of concern and immediacy and urgency and importance and value as the Jewish people. That's what I would like to see. And this is not an antisemitic comment
Jefferson Lorimer
@Jeffermer617 · 5:00
And I think it's one of those things where they have to find a way to just contain him. It doesn't have to be jail, it doesn't have to be like going to mental health hospital, but it's always, you know, and I think this is what this country is so great about, because in other countries, right, they could have just killed him already because he's saying all those crazy things, right?
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 3:15
People being led to their death, children, men, women, they weren't enslaved. They were slaughtered. They were murdered. And one sin is no greater than the other sin. But this hurts. It hurts. So I just wanted to respond because I just feel horrible. I feel sadness. Just do. But I stand with hurting people. I stand with the Jewish people. I stand with people that are descended to slavery
Wren .
@aBirdieOnaWire · 2:42
I am so angry about everything that's being said about Kanye West and his antisemitic remarks. I hate that he's being talked about and amplified, and it just infuriates me that people are dismissing it by saying, oh, he's a troll. He's trying to remain relevant. Oh, he's got bipolar disorder. He's out of his mind. He doesn't know what he's saying. I call BS on that. You know what? I don't care
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Casey O'Shea
@caseyo32 · 2:36
I choose my side. I'm not Democratic, I'm not Republican. But with what's going on in this country is poison. It's been that way for five years. I'm not going to put fingers or blame people, but we all know who started this s***. But it's been around way before the man started this s***. But it just seems to keep raining on his parade and it's just ridiculous. People take faults for your actions
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:57


I wanted to update everybody on the fact that Adidas has pulled their contract from Yay, Kanye, whatever the h*** they call him. So they have made a statement finally, because of peer pressure, not because they sat around and had their own North Star that they follow. They had a lot of peer pressure. And yes, they're going to lose like $300 million on the deal
article image placeholderFront Office Sports on LinkedIn: NEWS: Adidas will end its relationship with Kanye West.  “The company has… | 10 comments
Rhi d
@singsunflower13 · 4:59

Someone take Kayne off the internet

You need to really take into consideration that you are not right and you need to be quiet. And he was just going in on Kanye, and Kanye didn't have anything to say because reality is that Kanye has not somebody has told Kanye these things. It's not like he sat there and did research. Somebody whispered in his ear and was like, this is what is true, this is what is right
Taylor J
@Taylor · 1:54


Hey, Deb. I just saw the news about Adidas as well. I brought it up yesterday in my comment, and I'm so, so glad to see that they took such decisive action. You know, when we talk about brands and brands public image, right, and them sort of putting their money where their mouth is and doing things that take a very firm stance on whether it's climate change or equality or any of these things, these sorts of actions do go a long way
Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:52
I want to actually follow up on my comment by saying, I just opened another social media site and the first post that came up on my page was a friend of mine that said something along the lines of Adidas. You said Adidas couldn't drop you. And they did and followed that up with quote, quote, I'm going to be shopping for some Adidas today. You should too. I love it when social justice equals new sneakers. End quote. Exactly what I was saying
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 2:55
His whole life just took a turn for the worse, making very bad decisions. And honestly, I think he says these things for attention. I see that he does things and he says things for attention. He wants negative attention to be drawn to him. And I think that's just so backwards for a person. But you have people in this industry that does things to get negative attention drawn to them and they don't care. They enjoy it, they get a kick out of it
Krystle Marshall
@kfmarshall2022 · 4:05


Hey, Luchianna, you have every right to feel the way you feel. We are coming upon a day in life where right is wrong and wrong is right, right? People are not taking nothing seriously anymore. People take things as a joke. They take it as if something like we can do just going to take it as it is and that's it. And it's appalling to see people act so nonchalantly about I hope that's a word, acting so nonchalantly, that's my word
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:52


But I want to add my response or something I want to add to this conversation I thought would be interesting, which is a quote from my rabbi who sent a beautiful message today, a really poignant message, just about a lot of things that are going on right now around the world. So here's hope this JPEG captures all the text, but she kind of nailed something that I thought was really moving, so I hope you enjoy it
article image placeholderUploaded by @DBPardes
Jefferson Lorimer
@Jeffermer617 · 4:51
It is such a weapon because the things that you post on social media, they have such a power to become reality. Like, they have such a power to become they might not become your reality on your own for your own kind or for your own group of people or for your own personality or whatever, but there's just literally this weird dynamic where they can actually become a reality for all the people
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:34


Hey, Jefferson. I'm really I take to heart what you say, and we all have different relationships to what we consume, but there's an aggregate, right? I think that's what you're talking about, and it's not so far fetched. And I'll tell you an interesting reason why it resonates with me. I don't contribute it to some kind of alien cosmos, but I do think that as a writer, I always feel like there's a collective bigger than me
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 2:05
So adidas have a dark history with the N*** party. They had to let them go. They had no choice but to cut them loose. It was a strategic move that needed to be executed swiftly. They had all of them go. I mean, I don't know what else they could have done. Kanye, he said too much. He ran his d*** mouth. He ran his d*** mouth. Not really knowing what he's talking about
Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 5:00
And I've had this instance before as well, which for me is more helpful in a lot of ways. I think the censorship that we do see on social media and being put in major outlets, I don't really think it does well. You can think, oh, my gosh, you can come to false comforts when you're on, let's say, Instagram or when you're on Twitter. You can think, you know, everyone's a liberal. Everyone believes in what I believe
Anielle Reid
@magickandmedium · 3:49
It feels as if whenever you hear the story of a killer, an amateur killer, I guess you can say, isn't it the case that they've always written an email, they've always put out a very weird post or shared something incredibly off on Twitter that kind of alerted, like, there's something going on here. And I think we need to appreciate this. Uncensored social media platforms or interviews as what it is