Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:27

The meaning of life...

article image placeholderThe Swell Questionnaire
The meaning of life can be found when you're sitting on a really high mountain looking out onto a gorgeous view. And you bite into a succulent piece of fruit and it drips down your face. And you smile, and your body's feeling worn and torn and happy. And you're sharing this moment with someone you love

#TheSwellQuestionnaire #spptsqp7 https://s.swell.life/SU8uczzha7mBSFQ #Perspective

Darrain …
@TheBriefOne · 0:46
I love this. I'm a man of questions, and so I'll be my former self. It is a mystery here who will be very brief. The meaning of life in one word. In the book, the Hakurei, which they, which I believe in Kanji was a word, but can't prove it. But in the book, the Hakurei by Miyamoto Musashi there is a quote that says, to live life is to endure suffering. This is without exception